Wealth Creation through Property
Do you want help working out your wealth creation plan through property investment and development?
Development Options
Are you wondering what the best development option is for a property you own, or are looking to buy?
Team of Advisers
Do you need assistance building your team with referral to high-quality advisers that perform?
Financials & Finance
Are you wanting help to eliminate low-margin development sites? Do you need help doing the numbers, and/or obtaining development finance?
Options Analysis Development options and financial analysis | Tax & Strategy Expert GRA asset and tax planning advice | Financing Development funding solutions |
Resource Consent Application preparation and management | Approvals & Building Consent Applications preparation and lodgement | Civil construction Development construction management |
Dwelling Construction Dwelling construction management |
We don't just talk about it, we do it ourselves. Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills. Use our team to lighten the load and avoid costly mistakes.